The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Yattish Ramhorry
Published in
6 min readJan 18, 2021



by yattish ramhorry

“Meditate often on the swiftness with which all that exists and is coming into being is swept by us and carried away. For substance is like a river’s unending flow, its activities continually changing and causes infinitely shifting so that almost nothing at all stands still.” — MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 5.23

As the world moves towards more and more automation, the ethical discussion of the role of AI in healthcare is becoming more and more relevant. In this article, we will explore some of the ethics that are involved in AI in healthcare and how they may affect healthcare professionals.

Ethics of AI in Healthcare

There are many types of ethics that come into play with AI in healthcare. One set of ethics deals with medical consent. As AI becomes more and more a part of everyday life, medical consent becomes an issue. This is because it is unclear who has responsibility for a patient’s medical consent when AI is making decisions or performing tasks without human input.

Another set of ethics deals with what information is collected by the AI and what it is used for. In this case, it’s important to think about what is being collected and where that information goes. There are also ethics around who has access to the information gathered by AI. With who has access comes the possibility for discrimination based on race, gender, or other factors.

The Ethical Implications of AI in Healthcare

Computer ethics is an important branch of ethics that began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It emerged as a response to the introduction of computers and the ethical implications that they presented.

The field of computer ethics is concerned with the moral and ethical implications of the existence and use of computers.

AI in healthcare has a variety of ethical implications. The first ethical implication is the moral responsibility associated with AI. Moral responsibility is the duty one has to take responsibility for their actions.

Some people argue that because AI are not sentient, they do not have moral responsibility. However, it is important to note that AI can have a moral responsibility.

As an example, a computer program that is used for a medical diagnosis is not sentient, but the program will still have a moral responsibility associated with that diagnosis.

The second ethical implication is the responsibility associated with the developer of AI. This is the responsibility of ensuring that the AI is meeting the needs of the people that it is designed for.

The third ethical implication is the responsibility associated with the user of AI. This is the responsibility of ensuring that the AI is not being used for unethical purposes.

The fourth ethical implication is the responsibility associated with the people that have been impacted by AI. This is the responsibility of ensuring that the AI is not negatively impacting a group of people or a society.

The fifth ethical implication is the responsibility associated with the use of AI. This is the responsibility of ensuring that the AI is not being used in ways that would violate the rights of others.

The sixth ethical implication is the responsibility associated with the ethical principles that are being used to guide the design of AI. These principles are used to help the developers of AI to ensure that the AI is not violating any ethical principles.

Impact on Healthcare Professionals

The impact on healthcare professionals is going to be very significant as more and more tasks are taken over by AI. It will require them to change their role from decision makers to educators and navigators, guiding patients through their care journey. There are other possible impacts as well. One potential impact is that patients will become dependent on AI instead of healthcare professionals, which will reduce their need for care. Likewise, some people may seek out AI as a reliable source for information on various conditions, which could result in a loss of trust in scientists or doctors for accurate information.

As more and more artificial intelligence is used in healthcare, there are a number of impacts on the professionals in this field. One impact is that it will change the kind of training they need to do their job. As AI becomes more integrated into the healthcare system, they will need to understand how AI works and what it can do. In addition, professionals will have to learn how to work with and alongside AI systems as their counterparts.

Another impact on the professionals is that they may find themselves with less autonomy than before due to increased reliance on automation. This could lead them away from some areas of medicine because those fields rely heavily on human judgement or intellect for success (ex: psychiatry).

In healthcare, there are many ethical dilemmas that arise when a machine is performing a task that would usually be done by a human. For example, if the robot was to make an error in its calculations and prescribe the wrong dosage of medicine, it may cause serious injury or death. These kinds of dilemmas have led some people to argue for creating rules and regulations for AI in healthcare.

People also disagree on whether it is acceptable to use AI in healthcare when we know that it may not always be as accurate as a human performing the task. Some people argue that any errors made by an AI will lead us down a slippery slope towards making mistakes with humans too because robots can’t really be held accountable for their actions. Others say that the cost savings associated with using machines will outweigh those risks and allow us to provide better care at lower costs which is something we need desperately in our health system today.

It would also be unethical if people use AI to decide who gets treated before their turn because then the person who’s been waiting longer may not get treatment at all despite being more deserving than another individual who was treated immediately after entering the emergency room.

Some other ethical dilemmas that arise with AI in healthcare involve things like the robot’s privacy. If someone doesn’t want a robot to know their medical history and the robot needs that medical history to perform its task, should it be able to access that data? Should we require robots seeking medical information from a person to have permission from the person before they can proceed?

Another issue with the use of AI in medicine is its potential misuse by health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies which may result in bias or unethical practices towards disabled or marginalized groups. This lack of ethics surrounding the implementation of AI into healthcare has prompted many people, including Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, and dozens others to speak out about their concerns pertaining to its use

There are many ethical questions arising when artificial intelligence (AI) becomes prevalent across industries including healthcare because it poses new risks such as increased automation leading to less work for doctors in hospitals while simultaneously threatening standards of care for patients who require medical assistance most urgently.

One way that this concern can be addressed is through regulation which requires accountability from all parties involved within an individual’s data usage while also providing guidelines for best practices when implementing technology into a business model with regard to patient care ethics and safety measure against bias or unethical practices towards disabled or marginalized groups

The discussion of ethics in AI is important not only for healthcare professionals, but for society as a whole. It will shape how automated systems are used in all fields and what our expectations are when interacting with them.

In conclusion, while we want our technology advances to improve society, we must take care with how they’re implemented so they don’t cause harm in ways that we cannot predict or prevent from happening.

What are your thoughts on the ethics of AI in healthcare? Let us know in the comments section below!

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