Building for the Future: Embracing API-First Development

Yattish Ramhorry
6 min readApr 11, 2023

API-first development is a development approach that emphasizes the creation of an API before any other part of the application.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

API-first development approach enables developers to build flexible, scalable, and easily maintainable applications. This blog will explore the concept of API-first development, including its benefits, how to build APIs, and popular frameworks used to build APIs.

Benefits of API-First Development

API-first development offers several benefits for developers. Firstly, it promotes a modular and scalable architecture that allows developers to add or remove functionalities without affecting the entire application.

Secondly, it enables developers to build applications that are device-agnostic, meaning that the same API can be used across multiple platforms, such as desktops, mobile devices, and IoT devices.

Thirdly, API-first development encourages collaboration between developers and stakeholders, making it easier to iterate on the application during development.

Building APIs

The first step in API-first development is to create the API. APIs are typically created using a RESTful architecture, which involves creating a set of endpoints that clients can use to communicate with the server.

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that is commonly used in web development to build web services and APIs.

RESTful architecture is an approach to building web services that follow the principles of REST. RESTful APIs are designed around resources, which are identified by URLs.

Clients can interact with these resources by making HTTP requests to their corresponding URLs. RESTful APIs use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on resources.

A RESTful API should also follow the following constraints, as outlined by Roy Fielding in his dissertation, “Architectural Styles and the Design of Networkbased Software Architectures”:

  1. Client-server architecture: The client and server should be independent of each other and should be able to evolve independently.
  2. Statelessness: The server should not store any client context between requests. Each request should contain all the necessary information to perform the request.
  3. Cacheability: The server should indicate whether a response can be cached or not. This reduces the number of requests made to the server and improves performance.
  4. Layered system: A client should not be able to tell whether it communicates directly with the server or an intermediary.
  5. Uniform interface: The interface between the client and server should be standardized to allow for independence between the two.

Following these constraints can help ensure your RESTful API is easy to use, maintain, and scale.

Endpoints are essentially URLs that are used to retrieve or manipulate data on the server. Here is an example of an endpoint in a RESTful API:

GET /api/books

This endpoint would return a list of books stored on the server. Similarly, a POST endpoint could be used to add new books to the server:

POST /api/books

When a client sends a POST request to this endpoint, it would add the book to the server's database.

Here is an example of how to create an endpoint in Node.js using the Express framework:

Create an endpoint in Node.js using the Express framework

This code creates two endpoints using the GET and POST methods, respectively: /api/books and /api/books

Popular Frameworks for Building APIs

There are several popular frameworks that developers can use to build APIs. Here are some examples:

  1. Express.js — is a popular Node.js framework for building web applications and APIs. It provides a simple and flexible routing system that makes it easy to create endpoints.
  2. Django REST Framework — Django is a Python web framework with a RESTful API called Django REST Framework. It provides a wide range of features, including serialization, authentication, and pagination.
  3. Ruby on Rails — Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that includes a built-in API framework called Active Model Serializers. It allows developers to easily create and serialize JSON data for use in their APIs.

What is Authentication, and Why is it necessary?

Authentication and securing your API endpoints are critical aspects of API-first development.

Without proper authentication and security measures, your API may be vulnerable to attacks, compromising sensitive data and significantly damaging your application and reputation.

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system. It ensures that only authorized users can access the API endpoints.

There are several authentication methods that you can use to secure your API. Here are some of the most common methods:

  1. Token-based Authentication — Token-based authentication involves issuing a token to the client after they have provided their credentials.
  2. The client then includes the token in every subsequent request to the API. The server validates the token to ensure that the request is authorized.
  3. OAuth 2.0 — OAuth 2.0 is a widely-used authentication protocol that allows users to grant third-party applications access to their resources. It involves a series of redirects and exchanges between the client, server, and user.
  4. Basic Authentication — Basic authentication involves sending the username and password in plain text with each request. This method is not recommended as it is vulnerable to interception and replay attacks.

Here is an example of how to implement token-based authentication in Node.js using the jsonwebtoken library:

Implement token-based authentication in Node.js using the jsonwebtoken library

This code includes two endpoints: /login and /api/books. The /login endpoint is responsible for issuing a token to the client after they have provided their credentials.

The /api/books endpoint checks if the token is valid before returning the list of books from the server's database.

Securing Your API Endpoints Securing your API endpoints involves protecting them from unauthorized access and attacks. Here are some best practices for securing your API endpoints:

  1. Use HTTPS — HTTPS encrypts the data sent between the client and server, protecting it from interception and tampering.
  2. Implement Rate Limiting — Rate limiting limits the number of requests a client can make to the API within a specified period. This helps to prevent denial-of-service attacks.
  3. Validate Input — Validate all input received from clients to prevent injection attacks.
  4. Use Role-Based Access Control — Role-based access control allows you to grant access to API endpoints based on the user’s role.

Here is an example of how to implement rate limiting in Node.js using the express-rate-limit library:

Rate limiting in Node.js using the express-rate-limit library

This code implements rate limiting for the /api/books endpoint, allowing a maximum of 100 requests per IP address within a 15-minute window.


API-first development is a powerful approach to building modern applications that are scalable and flexible.

By designing your application around your API, you can ensure it is easy to maintain and adapt to changing requirements. However, ensuring that your API is secure and follows best practices for authentication and endpoint security is important.

With popular frameworks like Express.js, Django REST Framework, and Ruby on Rails, developers have access to powerful tools to create robust and flexible APIs.

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I also wrote another blog about My Experience and Learnings from Building an Exercise Tracker with Express and MongoDB.

I hope this article was useful and informative. Happy coding!

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Yattish Ramhorry

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ David Viscot. My gift is to educate, innovate and inspire.